Kursus Bahasa Inggris Online Lesson 31

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Review 1         : Make as many WH questions as possible

1.         You read 5 English books diligently at school every day (8 WH Questions)

                                                     do You read 5 English books diligently at school every day ?
            HOW OFTEN                 do You read 5 English books diligently at school? every day
            WHERE                           do You read 5 English books diligently every day? at school
            HOW                               do You read 5 English books at school every day ? diligently
            WHAT                                         do You read diligently at school every day ? books
            WHAT BOOKS              do You read diligently at school every day? english books
            HOW MANY BOOKS   do You read diligently at school every day? 5
            WHAT                                         do You do diligently at school every day?  read
            WHO                                    read 5 English books diligently at school every day? You

2.         You will go to school with my    brother tomorrow  (6 WH Questios)

                                                            will You go to school with my brother tomorrow ?
            WHEN                                                will You go to school with my brother?  tomorrow
            WITH WHOM                       will You go to school tomorrow? brother
            WITH WHOSE BROTHER  will You go to school tomorrow ?  my
            WHERE                                  will You go with my brother tomorrow?  to school
            WHAT                                                will you do with my brother tomorrow? go
            WHO                                      will go to school with my brother tomorrow? you
3.         You were singing 5 beautiful songs in my house (7 WH Questions)

                                                            were you singing 5 beautiful songs in my house?
            WHERE                                  were you singing 5 beautiful songs? in my house
            IN WHOSE HOUSE             were you singing 5 beautiful songs? my
            WHAT                                                were you singing in my house?  songs
            WHICH SONGS                    were you singing in my house ? beautiful
            HOW MANY SONGS          were you singing in my house? 5
            WHAT                                                were you doing? in my house? sing
            WHO                                      were singing 5 beautiful songs in my house? you

Review 2         : Translate into English

1.         Nama saya Teguh                                            21.       Saya suka mengunjungi mereka
2.         Nama tengah saya Handoko                           22.       Saya akan pergi ke rumah mereka
3.         Nama akhir saya Susilo                                               tahun depan
4.         Nama lengkap saya THS                                 23.       Saya harus menemui mereka
5.         Saya bukan seorang dokter                             24.       Saya menemui mereka 3 tahun lalu
6.         Tetapi saya seorang guru                                 25.       Saya pergi kesana dengan kereta
7.         Hobby saya musik                                           26.       Saya bersama kawan saya
8.         Saya mengajar bahasa Inggris                         27.       Kami berdua mengunjungi rumah mereka
9.         Saya mengajar musik juga                               28.       Rumah mereka tidak besar tetapi indah
10.       Saya dapat bermain gitar                                29.       Ada beberapa pohon di depan rumahnya
11.       Saya ingin belajar bahasa arab                        30.       Ada seekor kucing juga
12.       Saya ingin bicara bahasa arab                         31.       Kucing tersebut putih
13.       Saya sedang belajar bahasa arab                     32.       Tetapi matanya biru
            sekarang                                                          33.       Ia adalah seekor kucing yang lucu (funny)
14.       Saya suka bicara bahasa arab                          34.       Ia selalu didalam rumah
            dengan guru saya                                            35.       Guru saya suka kucing tersebut
15.       Guru saya dari madura                                    36.       Guru saya akan sangat gembira
16.       Namanya Sholehan                                         37.       Dia akan bertemu saya kembali
17.       Istri nya dari pasuruan                                                38.       Saya akan bertemu dengan nya juga
18.       Namanya Siti Soleha                                       39.       Saya adalah seorang murid yang cerdas
19.       Mereka mencintai saya                                    40.       Saya selalu belajar dengan rajin
20.       Saya mencintai mereka juga

Review 3         : Translate into Indonesian


My name is Carol and I am learning in e-compusoft online English training. I am still learning in level 1. In level 1 I get some subjects of learning such as basic structure, receptive speaking, basic listening, pronunciation, and introduction to language. The lessons are all interesting and full conversation system. That’s why I can speak English in a very short time with a good pronunciation. e-compusoft is located in north Jakarta. The director is Mr. Teguh Handoko. Now e-compusoft runs an online English training too. The main websites are www.e-compusoft.org and www.teguhhandoko.com  Beside that, there is antother affiliate website that is www.belajaringgris.net

E-Compusoft English Training conducts several programs of learning. They are General English Conversation, English for Academic Purpose, and English for Specific Purpose. All programs use Full-Conversation system. e-Compusoft online English training has more than a hundred students today – two months after launching They come from various branches of e-compusoft group. People who are interested can join e-compusoft as a student. They can join as a member in one of the above website by registering online. Beside that, they can also join as a student by buying the DVD offline. Eventhough they join e-compusoft by buying the DVD, but their names are listed (tercantum) in the main websites of e-compusoft group. There are only 2 main websites of e-compusoft namely www.e-compusoft.org and www.teguhhandoko.com

Students in e-compusoft learn English for about 4 months and after that they can follow final exam. Only authorized students can follow final exam. And all authorized students have their name listed in www.e-compusoft.org or in www.teguhhandoko.com , otherwise you can email Mr. Teguh Handoko directly to admin@e-compusoft.org or via SMS to 081905977907



Mom                : wake up, John
John                 : I have woken up mom
Mom                : take a bath
John                 : I have taken a bath
Mom                : then sweep the floor
John                 : I haven’t swept the floor, but I will

Look at the following verb forms

Look at the examples

Verbal sentences
I have eaten
she has eaten

Nominal Sentences
I have been here
She has been here

Predicate 1
Predicate 2
Predicate 3






(+) You have slept                           (+) She has been here
(-) You have not slept                      (-)  She has not been here
(?) Have you slept?                          (?)  Has she been here?

Practice 1

Teacher           : see John
Student                        : I have seen John
Teacher           : eat the mango
Student                        : I have eaten the mango

1.         drink - drunk                           6.         See - seen
2.         eat - eaten                                7.         Stand - stood
3.         sleep – slept                             8.         Give - given
4.         write - writen                          9.         Answer - answered
5.         understand                              10.       Go - gone

Practice 2

            Teacher           : be here
            Student                        : I have been here
            Teacher           : be happy
            Student                        : I have been happy

1.         be nice                                     6.         be smart
2.         be a good student                   7.         be patient
3.         be my friend                            8.         be slow
4.         be ready                                  9.         be my student
5.         be cool                                     10.       be a teacher

Practice 3

Teacher           : see John
Student                        : I have seen John and Mary has seen John too
Teacher           : eat the mango
Student                        : I have eaten the mango and Mary has eaten too

1.         drink                            6.         see
2.         eat                               7.         stand
3.         sleep                            8.         give
4.         write                            9.         answer
5.         understand                  10.       go

Practice 4

            Teacher           : be here
            Student                        : I have been here and John has been here too
            Teacher           : be happy
            Student                        : I have been happy and John has been here too

1.         be nice                                     6.         be smart
2.         be a good student                   7.         be patient
3.         be my friend                            8.         be slow
4.         be ready                                  9.         be my student
5.         be cool                                     10.       be a teacher

Notice             : ALREADY and YET

            You have understood (already)
            You have not understood (yet)
            have you understood (already/yet)

Practice 5       :

            You have gone already
            You have not gone yet
            Have you gone already/yet?

1.         You have drunk already                     6.         They have been in Bali
2.         You have eaten already                      7.         We have been early
3.         She has slept already                           8.         She has been my wife
4.         He has written already                        9.         The door has been open
5.         The student has understood already   10.       Our father has gone

Notice             : FOR and SINCE

Short duration verb     : take, go, come, fall
Long duration verb     : live, sleep, marry


            I have lived in Jakarta (long duration)
            I have put your book (short duration)

            I have lived in Jakarta for 3 months
            I have lived in Jakarta since 2008
            I have put your book already

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